Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Creative people,

another thing i love. I am an aspiring creative-type. This here blog is an attempt to tap into that part of me that contains some flirty, sing-song, wording and an eye and ability to take (and post) pictures to go with it. It shall be an interesting journey. Until then, I will borrow (and accurately cite) other people's creativity :)

For today - I found a lovely christmasy photo on a blog i happened across. I love how it is suggestive of the season without any real specifics. So nice. 

Holiday Season

I L-O-V-E it!
All the pretty lights, red and green colors, extra time with family and a reminder that we are all so blessed in many ways.

Pictures of my Christmas decorations to follow... as soon as I put all the empty boxes away!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is what my brain feels like right now. A mess of thoughts and anxiety that are making just about any task near impossible right now... 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cap and gown

So close... so close! Exactly one month from yesterday I will be walking across the stage and accepting my Bachelor of Arts & Sciences. Today I purchased my cap and gown. I am feeling this weird mix of emotions...
I am SO excited! And anxious and emotional and proud and scared and joyful and tired and restless and still SO EXCITED!

I feel like i am at the end of a marathon and I am crawling for the finish line. Not that I thought I would never make it, but at times it seemed unbearable to the point of quitting. But, now I am here and have just a little bit more to go. All I keep saying to myself is "finish strong." I can see the finish line; there is still just so much to do before I get there.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eating with Chelsea, the first of many

I am not going to explain just yet. I am going to let this sink in for a little while before I appease your curiosity.

Sleeping on the job....

Yes, i have been asleep the past 2 years and unable to bring myself to consciousness in order to update my blogs. It was the strangest thing to ever happen to me! Good news though, i have awakened from said sleep and ready to blog my little heart out!

Prepare yourself.