Sunday, January 31, 2010

Better Blogger

Life is short. A phrase we have heard in a dozen movies to date, but it's true. Life flies by and before we know it we are no more than a whisp of a memory someone once had. It is funny to think about, though, that the Internet is now an archive of lives. Whimsical writers lay out their hopes, dreams, and what they had for lunch into cyberspace.

Are we hoping to leave a legacy or just bring ourselves to the place where we sit and contemplate why we celebrate each day.

My hope is that being a "Better Blogger" will do just that for me. It will take my focus off of things that bother me and help me take notice to ALL of the wonderful blessings I have in my life. God is SO good and I am not giving him all the glory if I'm not celebrating Life.

It's a New Year: no blank slate, no resolutions, just precious life.

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